The Unfulfilled Life of the Rich


A common trope we observed in the movies we watched was the rich or higher class characters often being portrayed as leading unhappy lives. We’ve all seen it, the character whose life everybody envies but the character is not satisfied with. Examples would be characters whose social class leaves them unsatisfied. They see through the ‘fakeness’ surrounding them and long for something more genuine. Or they are conveniently blind to the flaws, usually a lack of genuineness, of their world but grow aware of them when exposed to the inherently ‘good’ and genuine lower class character. Other times, we see characters whose high status acts as a boundary towards their freedom and leaves them with no control over their own lives. They are supposed to do what is expected of them rather than what they choose and this lends itself to the unhappiness of the character.

Image result for poor little rich girl quote titanic

In Titanic, we see Rose being expected to marry Cal, who is cruel and controlling (See clip below). She hates the constraint her life puts on her and it even leads to her attempting to commit suicide.  In the cases of the movie Titanic, this is a testament to the idea that Rose could leave her privileged life behind to run off with Jack and live happily ever after. Despite the fact that we are constantly assured that he has absolutely no money. In Geek Charming, we see the symbolic emptiness of Dylan’s house to represent the lack of affection and warmth in her life. Similarly, we are led to believe that the friends she is surrounded by are insincere. The loss of popularity she would experience as a result of being with the very unpopular Josh is justified in the our eyes because of the unfulfillment and unhappiness the audience initially observed. She would not miss her old life, boyfriend or friends as it is a social order in which she is unhappy. We see further examples in Pretty Woman and Aladdin, and in fact observe this trope in all of our chosen movies.

Clip: Rose being confronted by her fiance 


This serves to portray the poorer’s lives as relatively happier. Because we are seeing that the characters are unhappy despite their wealth, it leads us to believe that they do not find money to a priority or a prerequisite to happiness and as a result can be happy with someone from a lower background. The trope serves to erase all doubt that we could have that said character would be able to live with the loss of money or status without missing it.

The Hardworking Poor

There’s a fear in this kind of trope that the poor love interest will come off as a gold digger. Why that fear exists is another topic entirely, but the consequence of this fear is the “Hardworking Poor” archetype. They are characterized by a disgust of wealth and often a charitable nature.

Who are they?

In order to escape scrutiny, the love interest must never be lazy. In fact, they love work and they have a great ambition, working their butt off to achieve their dream no matter how tired they may get. This also helps create conflict between the two characters, as the rich love interest is usually irresponsible, or is perceived to be irresponsible. The hardworking poor scoff at their high and mighty comrade and their entitlement (hmmph!), usually right before tossing the muckiest cleaning implement their way and watching irritated as they fail to do the simplest of tasks. And this should rub off on the wealthy, it’s inspiring how they keep fighting even with the world of bills and working through college weighing down on them.

They should not be understood to be heartless, the hardworking poor will step in when their love interest fails, or when the other richie riches call them entitled, or a failure, or below their position. Though they may not understand their love interest’s struggle (because there doesn’t seem to be one from where they’re standing), they know that 1) if their partner fails, then they fail with them and 2) that they can be the bigger person.

They’re an intellectual. Never naive, they know the ways of the world. They can tell when they’re being seduced, and they are having none of it. Who has time for such inane distractions? Not the hardworking poor. They’re strong and independent with no time for love when there is more important things at stakes.

They’re brutally honest, it’s a virtue they pride themself on even when it goes to their detriment. It’s the only power they hold over their rich companion, and they wield it with wit. They’re quick to put down their love interest’s usual games and tricks and they won’t sugar coat anything. When someone messes up, they won’t be like all the yes men, they’ll yell and kick and scream and you better believe this is the first time their companion has heard this from anyone.

Their big give away is gifts. Whenever gifts are involved, they say “it’s too much, really, I don’t need all this stuff.” They’re uncomfortable with grand displays of wealth, even when they’re benefiting. Fancy cars? Mine runs just fine, thank you. Big houses? They feel lonely and chauvinistic. Hanging out with celebrities? Are they really even your friends? The one thing they don’t seem to be able to resist is a make-over. Even if they protest at first, they’ll give in when they see the size of those jewels or get that haircut their partner’s been begging them to get. Maybe it’s that audiences like a good make-over montage, or that when we see diamond we just have to have that on our bodies, or maybe it’s an essential part of their transition from poor to rich; giving them confidence and showing that anyone can fit in if they have the right clothes. Whatever it is, the make-over is exempt from the no gift policy.

Where are they?

The “hardworking poor” archetype is common in these types of romances. Paige Morgan, in The Prince & Me, is a great example, but also Josh Rosen in Geek Charming, Vivian in Pretty Woman, and Tiana in The Princess and the Frog.

Why do we like them?

You’ll often find this archetype working in tandem with a statement about how poor(er) people are better, or have a more happy and fulfilling life which is often the driving force of a class difference barrier. In a romance the two characters have to fall in love, so the rich protagonist must inevitably feel fed up or disillusioned by wealthy society. Often this is just an inkling until they meet some one who is “real,” i.e. the hard-working, poor, love interest.

They’ve never met someone who can’t be swayed by their cheap tricks, gifts, and grand displays of wealth, but now they’re standing face to face with a challenge to their power. Life had been too easy, and it felt fake. And that’s where the brutal honesty comes in. Not only are they not swayed, but they’re confident enough to say the things no one else is willing to say: the truth. This challenge makes sure that the audience knows that the rich protagonist is in love with them as a person and not just a pretty face. Their honesty sets the poor protagonist apart from the others who fawn over the wealth and glamour.

We like the “hardworking poor” because they’re without hidden motive. They are incorruptible. They can dip into the world of wealth without loosing the virtues of poverty.

Greetings Page Dwellers!